be humble to each other

Pernahkah kalian merasa ketika benar-benar merasa mengenal seseorang dan tiba-tiba kalian sampai di titik kalian merasa "apa2an ini? siapa ini? kenapa aku terjebak dalam kotak sempit dan berantakan ini?"

Merasa telah benar-benar mengenalnya namun ada saja hal-hal kecil yang telah beberapa kali kita coba untuk mentolelir, dan pada akhirnya sampai juga pada titik : 
"So sorry, I can't fix their bad habits every time they repeat it and do not realize it bad, and even when we try to remind us to be people who can not appreciate. this NOT PIECE OF CAKE for us, its a BIG DEAL for us, its about our WHOLE LIFE STORY that we'll write TOGETHER, so can we please STOP ARGUING and realize each other if we are not going to always be right, and continue to always learn HUMBLE? O Lord, we don't have anything in this world, all we get is only deposited GOD, HE allow for us to enjoy, why is hard to be humble "


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