
Showing posts from April, 2013

at one time

This song sung by an Indonesian cultural named @ Sudjiwotedjo , before I never knew his figure until one day , about five years ago , when I was arguing with my boyfriend , when we were on the verge of despair and do not know how the future of our relationship , he gave me the song it is to be listened to . Not really understand his poetry , because it uses the Java language Sanskrit , but the soul of this song is so alive and burst into brain and my heart , I cried . even until now , when we're together , each listening to this song , my heart was crushed . Threw me back on the memories of a long period of uncertainty , getting the wind lost my life , who raised me from the lowest point in my life . and I was not ready for it . This song reminds me of my beloved with to learn to be patient , and should be patient , because God has a plan behind the most beautiful tears have spilled a

just ignore it

sometimes we meet a half people that so annoying a goodwill is not necessarily well received don't waste time , don't waste energy on unimportant things like that if your intention is good , do it sincerely , and let God take care of the rest if you see bad things from other people , ignore and smile because they are the joke of life no doubt sometimes we forget and do the same thing is not fun therefore always be careful , because the roads are very slippery humans through you need something to grip , so you do not bow down wise in life , and do not repeat the same stupidity :)

another story about love

love, is not the way you get it but love is the way you feel and how to live it love, is not why we deserve to get it but love is how we appreciate it may be we can't create love but we can treat it love is still precious without us but we never be precious without love, to our self first sometimes love is a feeling that can' t be translated and understood but love certainly can be felt with pure heart love is an identity that our hearts are still alive because love is the soul of our hearts love never made suffer suffering comes when we can't put love in place that should love comes and goes , the usual things to be unusual because it is hard to accept so please be wise with our love...  

the expressiveness

pernahkah kalian merasa seperti ini ?? kadang, tiba2 kita merasa ingin marah, tapi entah karena apa ?? mencari alasannya hanya membuat kepala semakin pening. karena keadaan kah atau karena orang2  sekitar kita yang tidak kooperatif ?? dan kita merasa terseok-seok sendirian. apa yang harus dilakukan pada tumpukan kardus di pojok halaman agar tak basah tanpa peneduh yang layak untuk melindunginya, sementara angin membawa butir2 air dari langit, cukup banyak...dan menjadi banyak sekali...DERAS ! ketika keadaan terasa semakin menghimpit dengan alasan2 yang tak bermutu, yang seharusnya bisa diantisipasi jika mau lebih fokus dan serius, duduk di depan monitor komputer, tv, atau apa saja, dan pikiran kita bebas berkela n a menembus layar itu, gambar2 itu, ekspresi2 drama dalam tv, sementara jari kita mengetuk-ngetuk tanpa irama, pada tuts keyboard atau remote control ...BENGONG ! alam pikiran meloncat-loncat tak beraturan kesana-kemari, dari ujung air terjun Niagara kemudi

my heart was paddling

  cup of coffee in the morning accompany our story pikiran2 sempit kadang terbuka seketika saat mendengarkan kidung2 untuk jiwa. teringat kekasihku yang kadang kerja keras dan kesungguhannya terselimuti kejengkelanku oleh hal2 kecil yang jika aku mau lebih membuka pikiranku itu hanyalah bentuk protesnya agar aku lebih perhatian padanya. tanpa harus terlalu sibuk mengomentari kesalahan2 kecil yang sering aku permasalahkan karena aku terlalu khawatir akan "kesempurnaan" sebuah proses. fiuuff hei sayangku... maafkan aku jika sampai detik ini aku lebih sering meragukan kesungguhanmu, hanya karena aku masih takut akan masa lalu bodohku. dan aku terlalu takut untuk mengakui "aku takut kehilangan dirimu", dan semakin aku takut, kusadari aku akan semakin menjauhkanmu dari kehidupanku, karena itu kuputuskan untuk membiarkan perasaan itu bebas menari-nari di matamu, agar dirimu semakin dekat dengan hatiku. sudah berapa lama kita bersama sayang...??? o iya, sebentar