
Showing posts from October, 2012


percakapan di sebuah ruang... A : menjalankan sebuah sistem tidaklah mudah B : anda tahu itu kan, kenapa masih terus menekan saya? A : agar berjalan sebuah sistem membutuhkan komitmen dan kerjasama yang baik B : ya begitulah, dan sepertinya saya tidak perlu menjelaskan hal ini lagi kan? A : dan setiap elemen dari sistem harus konsisten menjalankan fungsinya B : saya juga tahu hal itu, lalu apa masalahnya? A : masalahnya, anda tidak benar-benar mengaplikasikan tiga faktor tersebut B : ( terdiam... berpikir... ) ----------------------------------------------------------- conversation in a room... A: running a system is not easy B: You know that's why they continue to push me? A: in order to run a system requires the commitment and cooperation B: yes it is, and it seems I do not need to explain this again, right? A: and every element of the system must consistently perform its functions B: I also know that, then what's the problem? A: T

when love flashing

aku teringat kekasih yang sedang pergi menjalani hari seperti kicau burung diujung ranting suara rindu ini begitu riuh tetesan embun di kelopak kamboja begitu menentramkan gejolak riuh resah yang berbicara melihat dan tersenyum, sendu... saat kupejamkan mata aku melihatmu sedang berjalan di titian pematang sawah pelan dan hati-hati rasanya begitu lama langkahmu tak juga sampai di ujung aku berteriak " LARI... " lalu langkahmu semakin cepat dan aku berteriak lagi " hati-hati sayang... " dan kulihat kau tersenyum damai... saat melihatmu berlari perasaanku begitu senang saat kau dengar aku berteriak "hati-hati sayang... " hatimu membuncah riang jadi...  kebahagiaan kita terletak di ujung pematang sawah saat kita bertemu lagi dan bisa bergandengan tangan saling menguatkan :) #when love flashing, I don't wanna open my eyes Please visit my another blog for original design shirt a

convertation with @Windows part-2

finally chat between providers and users of the operating system continues, it's so nice chat. check this out , and you will know how humble these @Windows team , I'm so excited :D in the history of the Nation T ionghoa in China , the number eight is the perfect number , the symbol of perfection , because of the absence of the line is cut off, all connected and complement each other , forming a perfect number , eight :)   so is likely to expect the people behind the launch of # Windows8 , this would be a perfect operating system , falsifies the previous operating system :)

conversations with @Windows

Its soooo amazing when getting conversation with @Windows. I was just expressing my admiration of the display Windows 8 , and they immediately respond , they are really very friendly and appreciate the aspirations of their customers , keep working guys ! None of this would happen if @ kempluetux not tell me how good Windows 8 with a new look to make me curious about it :) I hope Windows 8 gets a positive response from users in Indonesia, and growing here , good luck ! Please visit my another blog for original design shirt at


if I had to pretend all is fine , I'll do if I had to pretend to smile , while behind me scream , I'll do if I had forgotten , and ignored , for the peace of your heart , I'll accept I just wanted nothing troubles me ignore me forget me think I'm fine think I'm always happy your miss burden me your worry let me down I'm an adult I can take care of myself HE was always there for me I know you love me , that's enough for me Lord , keep them calm their hearts assure them that I am fine here with YOU God , my legs heavy if they continue to miss Lord , You alone are enough for me please skip them over me spicy of my language , because I love you guys because I did not want to make you worry because I want to teach you the rigors of life world is constantly changing , so I will also please just forget me ... I 'm begging you . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


sometimes I feel so stupid , because I can   keep the love like this fear of emptiness often stop in my mind an inquiry into the thousands after a rupture in my brain will I ... when does it ... then, if I still have a heart still warm heart to share the love because it seems like my heart began to harden lately I'm tired , really I suck with all these difficulties I know the Lord taught me to never give despair but my wish is not as strong as it I'm sorry if it comes later , I just had tears * when doubts slap


kulihat capung itu mulai kelelahan terbang bersama angin harusnya dia terbang melawan arah angin tapi capung yang satu itu berbeda entah sifatnya yang aneh atau memang takdirnya harus terbang bersama angin mungkin dia perlu istirahat barang sebentar atau mungkin capung itu perlu sepasang sayap baru ? agar dia bisa terbang lagi bersama angin tapi dari mana dia dapat sepasang sayap baru ? yang lebih kuat, lebih tangguh, dan flexibly mengikuti deru angin yang tak menentu bahkan saat angin menjadi lebih besar, disertai guntur dan kilat, badai capung itu bisa tetap terbang bersama angin dari mana dia bisa dapat sepasang sayap baru itu? termenung...